We invite you to live the unique experience of learning at Mirador Sky Costanera in the open sky. A non-traditional and playful learning opportunity at the highest viewpoint in South America, 300 meters high with a 360° view of the city that is part of the new ways of teaching with a multidisciplinary team.
Based on the current school curriculum, we develop a guided educational visit, where we review the history and geography of our city, from its formation to the present day and its urban development.
- History, Geography and Citizen Education.
Curricular Emphasis:
- History, Geography and Social Sciences.
- Panoramic vision of the history of Chile.
- Formation of geographical thought.
- Development of citizenship skills.
Explicit skills to work on during the visit:
- Temporal and spatial thinking.
- Analysis and work with sources.
History of Santiago: Through the history of the city, the history of Chile will be addressed from its origins to the present day, highlighting certain historical moments.
Geography: Considering the view of the different points provided by the Sky Costanera viewpoint, the geographical situation of the valley where the city is located will be addressed, as well as the expansion process of Santiago from its foundation to the present day, and its impact on the population.
Architecture Urbanism and citizen bond: Taking the geographical dimension, spaces of demographic density, green areas and distances will be analyzed, among other aspects that imply how the city is lived.
OPEN SKY CLASSROOM It invites you to experience a class at 300 meters above sea level, with a 360° panoramic view of Santiago. An interactive, recreational and playful learning class, in which the infrastructure of the place will allow the understanding of the environment and recognition of the city. The visit is transversal to students of different ages, primary and secondary education.

If you want to attend the Sky Costanera Viewpoint as a group (schools, foundations, companies, etc.) or want to quote your event, complete this form and we will contact you.